About Me

Hello there 👋! My name is Md Jubair Pantho. I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Data Science at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. I have a strong background in Civil Engineering, specifically in Environmental Engineering. However, my passion and fascination for Data Science led me to shift my focus and pursue a career in this field. Currently, my research is focused on estimating the progressive fitness growth and evolution patterns of the evolving variants of SARS-CoV-2. I am actively involved in developing and implementing a novel algorithm that enables the estimation of fitness growth, evolution, and prediction of future variants in exponentially growing virus populations. I am dedicated to leveraging the power of data to gain valuable insights and contribute to the field of epidemiology and public health. I am committed to advancing my knowledge and skills in Data Science to make meaningful contributions to the scientific community. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to furthering my research and making a positive impact in the field of Data Science and public health.